After the Borderline Grill shooting, the State Fund’s Major Claims Operations unit made a significant impact on those suffering from the horrific event.
‘Doing good’ takes more than a few volunteer hours, which is why more businesses are investing time and resources into corporate social responsibility programs.
Pandemic response plans, policies for workers in affected areas and keeping up-to-date information on hand are just a few ways to protect employees working near the coronavirus outbreaks.
Too many female executives risk falling behind if they don’t brush up on their business acumen, and the insurance industry, for one, can ill-afford to fall short in talent development.
While social media has created an extraordinary opportunity for many businesses to reach out to consumers in an instant, some posts are proving an immense risk.
Joe Cellura, President, Allied World North America Property & Casualty gives our readers his take on one of the more controversial topics out there: gun policies in the workplace.
What single activity would you say is the biggest time-waster at work? The office bore, droning on about last night’s TV show that you didn’t watch? Email? Smoking breaks?
In the post-#MeToo era, Rhonda Prussack of BHSI details what liability exposures she’s watching closely right now, as well as what underwriters and the courts have their sights set on.
In the newly created chief sustainability officer position, Yafit Cohn will be responsible for overseeing the company’s ESG efforts and communicating their values to the public.
ADI Worldlink, a global technology firm, was facing two lawsuits from its employees. When its insurer refused coverage, Worldlink turned to the court for answers.