The best of R&I and around the web, handpicked by our editors.
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Social inflation and mounting reserve challenges are hitting the casualty reinsurance market amid abundant capacity and investor interest, AM Best reports.
Whiskey fungus litigation fueled by ethanol emissions complicates liquor production.
Sophisticated security breaches have banks scrambling for customized cyber coverage.
Small businesses are prime targets for cyber theft.
Eco-friendly designs can pose substantial risks to firefighters.
Organizations should be as cautious exploring business partnerships as an individual would be on a blind date.
The 2013 PLUS conference will explore strategies for addressing emerging risks related to social media and health care reform, among other issues.
Nanotechnology could well be the underwriting challenge of the next hundred years.
There has been a sharp increase in oil spills from tanker cars.
A look at the latest decisions impacting the industry.
Why do people take so little responsibility for their own actions?
Never buy version 1.0 of any new technology.
Unfunded pension liabilities continue to threaten city finances.
Creativity and skilled execution help our winners tackle tough problems.
Global supply chains necessitate more stringent food-safety rules from the FDA.
Nonprofits are keen to manage reputational risks, but few have dedicated risk managers.
Companies are scrambling to comply with the SEC’s “conflict minerals” disclosure requirements.
The Feds designate critical infrastructure and shine a light on perils within and without.
An expensed dinner and drinks with an old and trusted friend winds up being more than Jimmy Davis ever bargained for.