All Star Josh Zimmet found the benefit of truck driver safety and invested in it for his company. Now they have better retention rates, higher recruitment and an overall better business.
The concept of risk mastery and ownership, as displayed by the 2018 Risk All Stars, includes not simply seeking to control outcomes but taking full responsibility for them.
Elizabeth Queen led the development of a best-in-class incident management program that protects both employees and clients, earning her a 2018 Risk All Star award.
An educator of the next generation of risk managers, Jack Hampton, a 2018 Risk All Star winner, joined a declining risk management program. Then he made it thrive.
2018 Risk All Star Alumine Bellone’s due diligence aided Ardent Health Services in a successful year of growth and acquisition, going from 14 hospitals in three states to 31 in seven.
Creativity helped 2018 Risk All Star Dianne Howard find effective and affordable ways to protect her district, and the thousands of schoolchildren it serves.
James Curbeam, one of the 2018 Risk All Star winners, knew the only way to achieve true ERM was by making every department aware of how their risks intertwined.
For a staffing company with claims out of control, Kathleen Peck tore the program down and built it back up to achieve success, which earned her a 2018 Risk All Star designation.
The 2017 Risk All Stars strengthened their organizations by taking ownership of improved risk management processes and not quitting until they were in place.