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Texas Mutual reports mixed safety trends in 2024 as severe construction injuries decline while hospitality sector faces mounting challenges.
Programs to decrease prolonged sitting during the day could reduce workers’ comp claims.
Sedgwick ownership changes, but management and operations to remain the same.
Reserves deteriorated for the fifth straight year in 2012, said A.M. Best
Recent cases have prompted a national initiative to find solution for protecting the needs and rights of temporary workers.
Is a claim for post-traumatic stress disorder compensable?
Employer forced to pay for high blood pressure meds when worker proves secondary link to work injury.
Is exiting the building considered within the scope of employment for the sake of workers’ comp?
National workplace injury rates are on a slow but steady decline.
A round-up of key workers’ comp developments in three states.
Lack of evidence sinks injured workers’ claim of serious and willful misconduct.
Roundtable offers suggestions for strategies to combat costly obesity.
A stroke can be considered a compensable injury in certain circumstances.
Employee claims that her parking lot injury triggered the special hazards exception of the coming and going rule.
Eight thought leaders in the workers’ comp industry share their top issues of concerns for the coming years.
Employer’s immunity from lawsuit extends to coworker responsible for injury.
An employee who was kidnapped and assaulted sued her employer, claiming the attack did not arise out of her employment.
Independent medical review trumped treating physician’s opinion about hernia.
Injured employer’s wife seeks retroactive reimbursement for attendant care services she provided to her husband.
When a part-time employer is injured on the job, the employer must pay benefits against his full-time job as well.
A round-up of key workers’ comp developments across the country.