Social inflation caused by a rise in lawsuits brought against businesses and disproportionate nuclear jury verdicts have forced insurers to stump up multi-million dollar settlements.
The telehealth task at hand for risk managers and their insurance partners is to help preserve the balance of patient privacy with all the good that has come — and will come — from telemedicine.
Though plaintiffs will have a tough time blaming businesses for exposure to the virus, carriers are nonetheless prepping defense strategies and emphasizing risk mitigation to clients.
As investors and the public put a greater focus on ESG issues, businesses need to make sure their practices align with their values statements lest they open themselves up to liability issues.
In this Risk Scenario, Risk & Insurance explores what might happen in the event a telemedicine or similar home health visit violates a patient’s privacy. What consequences await when a young girl’s tele visit goes viral?
With the frequency and severity of liability claims increasing, colleges and universities will struggle to find affordable coverage in the primary market come renewal time.
Though COVID-19 is exacerbating some exposures in the long-term living space, underwriters will be pragmatic as they evaluate the impact on risk profiles.
While avoiding the risk of community spread by having classes exclusively online is not feasible for many colleges, the risk of spreading the virus can be reduced by banning all mass gatherings, including college football practices, on campus.
Several factors, including the recent COVID-19 crisis, have catapulted health care systems into what many are calling a “new normal.” Those in the space must prepare now for the emerging risks to follow.
As the cost of video monitoring goes down and the quality improves, video monitoring will likely become ubiquitous on construction sites, thus improving safety and efficiency.
For those looking for the next great adventure, investing in risk management tactics to train, prep and protect against outdoor activity hazards is paramount.