U.S. manufacturing could soon get a boost by way of the CHIP Act. Marsh’s Phil Huffman shares what subsectors he’s most excited about and how he helps his clients steady their course through economic turbulence.
When Quad began to rethink its ergonomics program in 2017, little did it know hiring industrial athletic trainers would boost morale, lead to less severe on-the-job injuries, and win them a 2022 Teddy Award to boot.
“The Next Asbestos” they say, but where PFAS and asbestos differ is in the longevity and reach of these forever chemicals. Manufacturers must get ahead of the risk.
This year, six brokers from across the brokerage field were named as the 2022 Manufacturing Power Broker winners. An additional five brokers were named as finalists.
A substance found in everything from firefighting foam to nonstick cookware represents a growing liability threat. From Washington down to state governments, contamination standards are being tightened.
Small businesses are no stranger to cyber risk, which is why they must understand where their cyber vulnerabilities lie and what they can do to stop a threat in its tracks.
When Clemens’ Food Group wasn’t achieving desired results from workers’ compensation incentives, they changed strategies. The result? Less injuries, faster recovery and a shining reputation for putting people first.