The best of R&I and around the web, handpicked by our editors.
White papers, service directory and conferences for the R&I community.
Web replica of the print magazine.
Texas Mutual reports mixed safety trends in 2024 as severe construction injuries decline while hospitality sector faces mounting challenges.
NIOSH is focused on creating a safer workplace for nanotechnology workers worldwide.
Guidance for proposing speakers and topics to present at the national conference.
Programs to decrease prolonged sitting during the day could reduce workers’ comp claims.
Recent cases have prompted a national initiative to find solution for protecting the needs and rights of temporary workers.
National workplace injury rates are on a slow but steady decline.
A stroke can be considered a compensable injury in certain circumstances.
Injury rates are coming down but workers’ comp premiums have yet to budge.
Eco-friendly designs can pose substantial risks to firefighters.
Our Teddy Award winners in 2013 raised the bar yet again.
Public safety employees face higher risk, but tend to flout safety rules.
The crop of 2013 Teddy Award winners have been creative in advancing worker safety.
Have the construction slowdown and other issues increased exposures?
Simple solutions have positive impacts on construction safety.
Creativity and skilled execution help our winners tackle tough problems.
Nurses work under conditions that threaten their safety and well-being.
More times than not, keeping things simple gives the best outcome.