As chief risk officer for a rapidly growing financial institution, Marcelo Brutti banked on clear communication, tested processes and a culture he knew he could believe in.
This year, six brokers from across the brokerage field were named as the 2022 Finance Power Broker winners. An additional five brokers were named as finalists.
SEC enforcement activity generally is trending upward. The agency reported that it filed 434 new enforcement actions in fiscal year 2021, representing a seven percent increase over the prior year.
While our society categorizes cheating for success a deplorable act, the behavior is common among financial executives and politicians alike. Where does that leave insurance?
Susan Finbow appointed to global head of FINEX Financial Insitutions, Willis Towers Watson and QBE North America announces a new chief operating officer in this People on the Move.
Clawbacks govern the behavior of corporate executives and manage reputational risk. Despite their complications, more employers are utilizing their protection.
In our economy’s engine, capital is the fuel and insurance is the oxygen. How insurers pivot and manage their exposure to climate change could yet play a major role in reducing the threat.
It is in the self-interest of the financial industry to address new risks brought about by climate change and to scale up the necessary investments to make our societies more resilient.
Joining dozens of CEOs of America’s biggest businesses, these insurance industry leaders acknowledged they are beholden to their communities more than their shareholders.