The best of R&I and around the web, handpicked by our editors.
White papers, service directory and conferences for the R&I community.
Web replica of the print magazine.
When injured workers are afraid to report on-the-job injuries—no matter the reasoning—everyone suffers. It’s time to find a better solution to injury reporting.
Even when innocent of wrongdoing, chief compliance officers face liability when their companies act unethically or illegally.
A look at the latest legal cases impacting the industry.
Unpatched software remains a top cyber vulnerability. Low-tech “phishing” attacks continue to succeed.
Financial Services
Private Equity
Practitioners urge the professional liability markets to throw off an ‘antiquated mindset.’
Cheryl Feltgen on the importance of analytics, the inspiration of Nelson Mandela and the appropriateness of champagne for any occasion.
Report highlights damage done by employee theft and fraud to smaller employers.
At Large
Companies must assess the risks of vendors that provide critical operations or have access to customer information.
A look at the latest decisions impacting the industry.
Mobile device cyber protections need to be as strong as any other type.
Big banks can learn from Big Oil how to manage risk.
Banks need to ensure mobile cyber protections are as strong as other online threats.
An ill-advised merger sparks shareholder lawsuits and major losses.