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Rising health care costs challenge employers to adopt innovative strategies for managing expenses and supporting employee well-being, according to a Gallagher report.
An analysis of EEOC data pinpoints states with risks of employee lawsuits higher than the national average.
Learn more about the silver lining of the emerging talent crisis, and hear from experts on how to align new talent with achieving better results.
Fear of litigation, complex regulations and misperceptions of disability are leading to few disabled workers being employed.
No industry is immune from workplace violence, and the onus is on employers to make work sites as safe as possible.
With the rise of the Internet of Things, wearable tech and “people analytics” could put you out of a job.
New ACA reporting demands and controversies over the minimum wage are adding regulatory risk to the retail industry.
Asking applicants about crime convictions creates employment liability exposure.
An energy company drops the ball by not making the necessary accommodations for an injured employee returning from documented leave.
Defense contract job sites can be managed safely, despite hostile environments.
Twenty five years after the ADA passed, job force participation by disabled workers is less than it was then.
Disciplining workers who come to work stoned is an important safety measure, plain and simple.
The proposed rules will result in more compliance issues and new legal standards for courts to interpret.
With workers at a high rate of danger, health care facilities must train for both communication skills and safety drills.
A proposed rule from the EEOC is intended to help clear up questions surrounding wellness programs and potential conflicts with the ADA.
The leave management environment is increasingly complex, and costly.
The Germanwings tragedy reinforces the notion that employees must have unfettered access to mental health services.
Recent accidents highlight risk management challenges of long hours and tough road conditions.
Food production that involves certain types of additives or flavorings can put employees at serious risk and create workers’ comp liabilities for employers.
Three recent pro-union decisions by the NLRB make it more difficult for employers.
Whether in the office or at home, employee stress exposes organizations and their insurers to increased risk.