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Cargo theft incidents surge 27% in 2024 as criminals shift tactics and target new commodities across supply chains, CargoNet’s analysis shows.
In the event of a provider shortage, payers may be compelled to shell out extra fees to get injured workers the treatment they need.
Worker claims comp for injury that occurred half-on, half-off company property.
High-cost driver: One in nine workers’ comp claims in California involves attorneys.
Key workers’ comp legal decisions from around the country.
An influx of new insureds is not the only risk that could delay the treatment of injured workers.
Post-offer medical exams have much to offer employers, as long as they steer clear of pitfalls.
Changing laws and attitudes on marijuana use will shake up business liability exposures.
Employers make jobs conditional on physical fitness.
The impact of tort reform has lessened, and average claims severity is rising rapidly.
A new sports car and mysterious stops at a dry cleaners raise suspicions.
Remote access to care could revolutionize workers’ comp case management and patient care.
A unique program is giving Wash. employers serious motivation to keep injured workers on the job.
Employer argues that parking lot injury occurred during a “personal mission.”
A round-up of key workers’ comp decisions from around the country.
A whopping 88 percent of long-haul truckers report having one or more risk factors for chronic disease.
Despite reforms, the Illinois medical fee schedule remains problematic.
A fired employee exacts revenge on his employer, battering not only bodies but also coverage limits.
Workers’ comp claims from undocumented workers shape employer responsibility.
Contrary to criticism, workers’ comp legislative reform is working for payers and employees alike.