The threat of wildfire destruction is expanding at a rapid rate due to climate change. Defensible space, wildfire resistant construction and resilience programs are three areas of focus pointed out by CNA loss prevention specialist Steve Hernandez.
For a low frequency, high severity peril like earthquake, businesses need to know their risk management plans before a single pebble falls out of place.
Regulations on when a policy is in force vary from country to country. A thorough examination of an insured’s global insurance program is vital in avoiding heavy losses.
Extreme weather conditions — from fluctuating temperatures, to increases in severe storms and hurricanes — all continue to have a lasting impact on businesses worldwide.
The coronavirus pandemic may have a vaccine, but that does not mean it’s been eradicated. Now is the time for workers’ comp professionals to recognize what the impacts of the virus could be moving forward.
The opioid misuse crisis continues to negatively impact the lives of patients while costing our health care system billions of dollars. This is why it still deserves our focus.
If 2020 has taught us anything, it is that risk does not discriminate, it does not care about economic status, race, gender, or nationality. To face the new level of complex risks and uncertainties facing our global markets, more innovative and resilient risk management models are needed in 2021 and beyond.