This year’s National Comp proved how connections form organically when comp professionals gather to educate and connect with each other and elevate the industry.
Wearable ergonomics can reduce workplace injuries and workers’ compensation costs, but coordination and an alignment of incentives are required before they can gain a foothold.
A narrow focus on the opioid epidemic may overlook the risks of non-opioid prescriptions and draw crucial resources away from proactive monitoring and interventions.
How has the workers’ compensation industry evolved over the past decade? The Rising Medical Workers’ Compensation Benchmarking Study answers this question by reviewing the industry’s overall adoption of new technologies, as well as its struggles with the current talent shortage.
MedRisk’s newly appointed CEO, Sri Sridharan, talks to Risk & Insurance about the culture he leads and the vast amount of injured worker data his team has at its disposal.
Risk & Insurance editor-in-chief Dan Reynolds sat down with Nan-Wei Gong and Scott Sexton of FIGUR8 to discuss how they’re working to standardize and codify data that can help care teams better gauge an injured workers’ musculoskeletal recovery process.
After launching a pay-as-you-go workers’ comp solution, NYSIF set out to discover how it was impacting the policyholder experience. The results were clear.
Suicide is not an issue in just workers’ comp; it’s a humanity issue. Panelists at National Comp 2023 share why it’s imperative not to ignore mental health risks.
In this National Comp 2023 session, three experts on recovery shared what they learned from their own back and spinal injuries and how those lessons can be applied to workers’ comp.
National Comp 2023, held in Las Vegas, kicked off with a pre-conference event conducted by the Alliance of Women in Workers’ Comp. This year’s keynote focused on connective intelligence in the age of virtual workspaces.
The passion claims professionals feel for their work was on full display during this lively discussion at National Comp, which focused on claims that go astray and those that toe the line.