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Social inflation driving education sector claims to unprecedented heights, according to United Educators’ latest Large Loss Report.
Our health and economy are increasingly exposed to a long-documented but ignored risk.
The aggregated impact of a cyber attack on the U.S. power grid could cause huge economic losses and upheaval.
The resources aligned to remediate acid mine drainage are minimal compared to the cost; up to $72 billion.
Manufacturers must comply with up to 26 different state safety plans.
The new head of the NBCH believes that the administration of occupational and nonoccupational conditions should be integrated wherever possible.
The aspect of fire prevention managers can best control is ignition sources.
Health care facilities must balance safety and security concerns when considering protection methods.
As the nuisance potential of drones becomes increasingly apparent, a whole new market in anti-drone technology is springing up.
Flint businesses are seeing a loss of revenues and continue to face reputational damage.
Ten percent of America’s bridges are plagued by deficiencies or load restrictions, threatening supply chains.
A veteran risk manager takes issue with a recent decision by the Oklahoma Workers’ Compensation Commission.
Chris de Wolfe of Mars Inc. can take you to places where there are snakes as long as large swimming pools.
Higher education faculty and risk managers must protect students and property without violating freedom of expression.
If cyber insurance is going to respond to a ransomware incident, close cooperation with the carrier is necessary.
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