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Five emerging liability claim trends are reshaping the risk landscape, finds a report by Allianz Commercial.
Nationalistic policies aim to boost American wealth and prosperity, but they may do long-term economic damage.
Manufacturing’s return will require re-evaluating insurance programs, challenging underwriters to analyze new risks.
Collaborative robots, known as cobots, are rapidly expanding in the workforce due to their versatility and ability to work alongside humans.
Clinical trials conducted abroad are a necessity in life sciences, but the complex risks must be carefully managed.
More lenient FAA regulations allow drone pilots to launch new businesses in the U.S.
Think you’ve got a firm grasp of your clients’ cyber risk? Think again.
From fire risk to defective counterfeits, lithium-ion batteries present insurers and risk managers with a variety of property and liability challenges.
A look at the latest legal cases impacting the industry.
Biotechnology breakthroughs can provide great benefits to society, but the risks can’t be ignored.
Despite heavy regulation, many pharma acquisitions fail from a lack of due diligence.
A California Supreme Court decision clears the way for claims against food producers and retailers.
Long supply chains offer criminals ample opportunities to sneak in counterfeit drugs, which pose a serious risk to public health.
A probe of the nutritional supplement industry may be costly for insurers as well as brand reputations.
As e-cigarette usage rises, danger lies in the lack of regulations and unknown long-term health effects.
Generic drug manufacturers may face increased premiums and higher risk management costs due to a proposed FDA rule.
The risks from the hacking of medical devices needs to be more clearly defined.
A look at the latest decisions impacting the industry.
Complex claims — old and new — call for relationship-building to minimize surprises.