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Chaz Perera and his Roots Automation co-founder John Cottongim are using their experience within the insurance industry to address the challenges of unstructured data.
Creativity and skilled execution help our winners tackle tough problems.
Global supply chains necessitate more stringent food-safety rules from the FDA.
What do underwriters and police detectives have in common? One word: metadata.
Since 1990, workers’ comp losses retained through large deductibles have grown quickly.
Projects in the billions challenge capacity, hindering expansion for natural gas.
Insurance foots the bill for the largest marine recovery project in history.
Wage and hour claims are on the rise, and the insurance industry is scrambling to address the exposure.
Using captives to help address the growing threat of cyber risk.
Big dams sit tight, as new projects just let the river run for generating capacity.
Should underwriters use all sorts of data or restrict themselves to models and loss data?