The best of R&I and around the web, handpicked by our editors.
White papers, service directory and conferences for the R&I community.
Web replica of the print magazine.
Our Teddy Award winners in 2013 raised the bar yet again.
“Home Safe Tonight” protects employees of a civil construction company.
Partners HealthCare has a state-of-the-art risk management program.
PetSmart cut workers’ compensation costs while almost doubling in size.
The Miami-Dade County Public Schools successfully contain threats that drive up workers’ compensation costs.
Pinnacle West produced safety results twice as good as the utility industry average.
Eisenhower Medical has made an art of incident documentation.
The role of insurance is often just as heroic as the exploits of emergency responders.
FEMA gauges disaster severity by how many Waffle House restaurants are open.
New York is a nightmare for construction insurance carriers.
A flight attendant’s injury from a turbulent flight is the latest in a lengthy list of prior accidents.
Insurers can save by subrogating disaster claims.
E-discovery rules vary greatly from nation to nation.
A look at the latest decisions impacting the industry.
Biomass is a growing energy source, but has its own set of risks.
Floating plants have advantages over grounded facilities and few unique risks.
Obesity’s classification as a disease raises a host of new risk management challenges.
Organizations should be as cautious exploring business partnerships as an individual would be on a blind date.
Insurance captives and crisis communications can go hand-in-hand.
Captives may yet play a role in managing health care risk, despite the advent of reform.