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Dan Reynolds is editor-in-chief of Risk & Insurance. He can be reached at [email protected].
On Cyber Monday, skilled hackers diminish an online retailer’s credibility in mere minutes.
Construction executives let their emotions get the best of them after an onsite death, with dire policy consequences.
Learn more from a 2014 WC benchmark study’s architects about the complex challenges facing industry.
An insurance carrier partners with an international foundation to save lives and build community in Central Uganda.
A typhoon exposes the inadequacies of a U.S. pharmacy company’s local insurance policies and hinders its move to Asia.
A major hurricane strikes the Eastern Seaboard, bankrupting a city’s hopes of recovery.
The 2014 Risk All Stars overcame challenges through exceptional problem-solving, creativity, perseverance and passion.
An auto manufacturer thinks their tech supplier escaped typhoon damage. Closer inspection reveals quite the opposite.
Faced with an abrupt change in circumstances, Chris Thorn rose to the challenge.
Two employee injuries at the same company produce two very different outcomes.
The most-feared quake of all results in economic catastrophe.
An earthquake decimates a retailer’s servers and its supply chain.
Learn how to succeed with an unbundled claims management approach.
Conflict in a foreign supplier’s country exposes holes in one company’s risk management strategy.
Learn about the best way to mitigate the risks of foreign acquisitions.
A Risk & Insurance® exclusive interview, with insights from Peter Zaffino, John Keogh, Greg Case and Hank Greenberg.
Hotels have a new environmental worry now that some are using hotel rooms to manufacture meth.
An ill-advised merger sparks shareholder lawsuits and major losses.
Learn how to help adjusters achieve good results for payers and workers’ compensation claimants.
Talent shortages and bidding wars undermine a construction company’s ability to stay competitive.