COVID-positive workers’ comp claims can get complicated with undetected underlying conditions, but having a knowledgeable case manager can make all the difference.
The Allianz Risk Barometer 2023 reveals growing civil unrest as a top concern. Here are the top things for risk and insurance professionals to consider.
The Climate School’s curriculum was developed in collaboration with a range of experts to help professionals understand and confront the impact of climate change on the practice of risk management.
Despite natural disasters and extreme weather growing, environmental risks were overshadowed by geopolitical conflicts, inflation and mounting national debts in this report.
A recent surge in book banning should have public libraries reviewing risk management and insurance practices with their brokers and other insurance personnel.
Devastating flooding in Pakistan has led two insurance institutions to partner to improve climate resilience for the country’s farmers. The CEO of Salaam Takaful Limited shares his take.
Procuring insurance coverage for fine art collections is becoming a challenge in areas prone to natural disasters, but there are practices collectors can put into place to help.