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CFC’s Head of Tech, Media and IP, Michael Brunero highlights top trends set to shape technology, media and IP in the year ahead.
The second chapter in Grace Crickette’s Risk Insider series on implementing enterprise risk management.
WC professionals should help slay the dragon, not facilitate the creation of new addicts.
Employers need to prepare to view case files effectively.
The adoption of risk standard ISO31000 is at an all-time high, but U.S take-up lags behind.
In the wake of the Napa earthquake, these tips will help with impending claims.
Many corporations view risk management as a finance or legal function, but risk managers should examine the wisdom of this approach.
“Compassionate communication” allows critical information to be provided to risk management.
Direct investigation and nurse case management stop workers’ compensation fraud most effectively.
Preventable medical errors in hospitals are now the third leading cause of death in the US, only after heart disease and cancer.
It’s time for risk management to own compliance.
Regulators clearly prohibit unencrypted texting of private patient information.
Cyber risks are a broader threat then many risk managers realize.
Organizations must work harder to protect injured employees from the destruction opioids can wreak.
D&O coverage has undergone substantial changes in the past 30 years.
Advocates for “smaller government” risk more contamination events like Toledo, Ohio.
The case for standing rather than sitting in offices is compelling.
In this softening marketplace, risk managers can reap the rewards of improved and robust coverage.
A day-to-day risk management culture requires collaboration at all levels of the organization.
The first chapter in Grace Crickette’s Risk Insider series on implementing enterprise risk management.
Historically, the outcome of integrated disability management programs has been a mixed bag. It’s time to re-imagine this concept and revisit the approach.