Pandemic response plans, policies for workers in affected areas and keeping up-to-date information on hand are just a few ways to protect employees working near the coronavirus outbreaks.
1,680 of the nation’s high-hazard dams are in risky condition. When they break they endanger people, interrupt businesses and cause massive property damage.
Trying to forestall wildfire damage, PG&E willingly shut down service to customers. More of this, not less, is on the way, which makes business resiliency planning all the more important.
Hospitality was one of the first industries to bear the brunt of premium hikes and coverage limitations from insurance carriers after 2017’s hurricane season.
Rapidly changing customer demands and a boom in guest-facing connected technologies are among the factors changing the risk landscape for hospitality companies.
Decentralization of power generation and a rapidly shrinking talent pool are risks that utility companies will continue to grapple with for years to come.