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Healthesystems is a leading provider of Pharmacy Benefit Management (PBM) & Ancillary Benefits Management programs for the workers' compensation industry.
Considerations to counteract the cybersecurity talent shortage in workers’ comp organizations.
How problematic alcohol use can impact the workplace, claims, and medication management.
While opioid prescriptions and costs are trending down, some more nuanced, but still concerning prescribing patterns bear watching, including prescriptions for other controlled substances.
Better metrics for physical medicine
10 Best Practices in Medical Claim Management
Older patients and fewer physicians in workers’ comp
Effective monitoring strategies can help curb nonadherence and its impact on patients and payers.
Innovative analytics tools provide better, more actionable data for improved opioid management.
Clinical intervention strategies must evolve to accommodate the complexities of patient management.
Having a holistic, comprehensive strategy is critical in the ongoing battle to control medical care costs.
Reducing WC claims costs in one area often inflates them in another.
It’s time to start thinking beyond opioids and adopt a new approach to pain management.
4 key steps to redefine an opioid management strategy.