White Paper
Beyond Opioids: Managing Drugs of Concern in Workers’ Compensation
White Paper Summary
After a decade of combatting opioid abuse and addiction among injured worker patients, workers’ compensation payers are finally seeing
a significant reduction in opioid prescriptions and costs. Opioids have not been eliminated entirely, of course, and are not likely to be. Pain
management will always be an important aspect of workers’ comp healthcare and opioids are sometimes appropriate treatment.
While the opioid trend is positive, some more nuanced, but still concerning prescribing patterns bear watching, including prescriptions
for other controlled substances. In addition, mental health conditions and other comorbidities are increasingly common among injured worker populations, resulting in a diverse array of prescription drugs that require vigilant management to avoid unnecessary complications and costs.
For more content like this from Healthesystems visit their RxInformer clinical journal website.