In Conversation: Westfield Specialty’s Jack Kuhn Talks Specialty Lines, the Casualty Market and Insurance Opportunities

Jack Kuhn, president of Westfield Specialty, discusses the latest happenings and opportunities for his business and insurance at large at RISKWORLD 2024.
By: | July 2, 2024
Topics: Q&As | RIMS

Jack Kuhn, president of Westfield Specialty, sat down with Risk & Insurance at RISKWORLD 2024 to discuss the latest happenings and opportunities for his business and insurance at large.

“It’s been interesting. It’s been sort of a tale of two cities in the sense that some markets are going through a softening of the market; there’re others that are now starting to really have more of a hard market feel to them,” he shared with R&I’s Dan Reynolds.

Kuhn noted that casualty is one market starting to feel a hardening at this time, citing data collected from 2013 to 2019.

He also noted that the seismic shift property markets felt last year is a prime example of the hardening markets — and how quickly the shift can happen.

As a specialty insurer, Westfield Specialty is working to fill in the gap when the market is hard. Most importantly, Kuhn said, “we want to be there as a vehicle to solve problems or add value to the customer.”

When it comes to hard market trends, this is Westfield’s bread and butter: “Those ‘problematic’ lines are probably more appealing for us, because there is opportunity there because of the tighter conditions and higher pricing.”

Here’s our conversation with Kuhn in full:

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