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Surplus lines market shows robust growth in number of transactions and premium volume as complex risks drive demand, the Wholesale & Specialty Insurance Association reports.
Surplus lines markets rally as standard carriers lose high-risk appetite.
Peter Eastwood and three trusted colleagues set out to build Berkshire Hathaway Specialty Insurance.
Events of 2013 point the way forward next year. Buzz words: cyber, health care and property.
The number of potential triggers and coverages affecting commercial claims is as massive as Sandy was.
Large capital flows are entering the E&S market.
Brokers and underwriters plan to discuss emerging risks and legislative priorities.
A look at the latest decisions impacting the industry.
Projects in the billions challenge capacity, hindering expansion for natural gas.
E&S premiums grew nearly 11 percent last year, with Berkshire Hathaway pushing in.
NYC asteroid strike would cause nearly 100% fatalities at ground zero.
The next time the Laki Fissure bursts, a maelstrom of sickness, death and economic destruction will be released.
A Cat 5 hurricane strike of Lake Okeechobee would inundate much of South Florida.