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Tom Starner is a freelance business writer and editor. He can be reached at [email protected].
Many of the Under 40 set “fell into” the insurance industry and have realized its many benefits.
Three recent NLRB decisions make it more difficult for employers. GOP control of Congress probably won’t make a difference.
New e-payment systems offer some data security advantages but they face implementation difficulties.
OSHA’s new incident-reporting rules are more onerous and may lead to increased litigation.
Wearables bring with them a host of liability concerns.
The threat of Ebola is a good time for employers to revisit emergency strategies for their mobile workforce.
Loss-of-value policies for athletes will soon get their first test.
A “mesh” network provides communication when most access is wiped out.
Loss of value claims by NFL draft prospects should expect challenges in collecting.
State by state jurisdictional concerns mark the recovering construction industry.
Increased building brings with it an uptick in coverage, and some new designs.