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Autumn Demberger is a freelance writer and can be reached at [email protected].
When a company files for chapter 11 bankruptcy, it is up to the court to determine which insurance policy will cover an underlying misrepresentations suit.
After being hit by an underinsured motorist, an injured driver files suit against the motorist’s insurance. It’s up to the court to decide who’s responsible.
Board members are being held accountable for company-wide failure to curb misconduct and report incidents in a timely manner. This RIMS session is sure to help.
The Amazon, Berkshire Hathaway, JPMorgan Chase health care venture is hitting a rocky start with allegations of stealing trade secrets.
Poor employment practices at Costco have left the retail giant’s insurer on the hook for an underlying discrimination case.
Health care risks run the gauntlet, from “typical” concerns like cyber and workplace safety to niche risks like pandemic readiness and the opioid epidemic. So how are health care facilities approaching these risks?
An employer assumed it was covered for an employee’s welder’s lung claim. But iron fumes triggered the policy’s pollution exclusion, leaving the company in a tight spot.
The insurance business model is shifting away from the idea of repair/reimburse as more insureds desire a predict-and-prevent approach.
A misrepresentations and omissions clause precluded indemnity the one-time refinery owner.
A cruise line’s server slipped on salad dressing during her very first day on the job. When she submitted her claim, disability benefits were denied.
GDPR reinvented the way data is collected. Now, more robust covers are coming to market while companies engage their boards in cyber security.
Public entities see serious claims during winter months, but thanks to Marcus Henthorn and his Gallagher team, icy conditions don’t stand a chance.
A board that isn’t proactive in protecting against cyber attacks is a board vulnerable to regulatory fines, reputation damage and public scrutiny.
The court was tasked with deciding whether a general liability or an auto liability policy would cover an underlying milk contamination suit.
While driving a rented U-Haul, a customer hit another vehicle. U-Haul’s claims handler received a signed statement admitting fraud upon review.
A little gray squirrel scampered onto the equipment of an electrical substation and caused an electric arc worth $200,000 in damages. But the insurance policy did not cover such an event.
A global ransomware attack could cause nearly $193 billion in economic loss, and only 14 percent would be covered by insurance.
With global risk perceived as increasing, business leaders remain confident in their own company’s success.
Humbled by his own experiences with homelessness, this P&C broker knows what it’s like to face a challenge. So he works for solutions instead.
An oil refinery filed a complaint against its power supplier due to it being “unreliable” and “subject to intermittent and unexpected disruptions.”