myMatrixx’s Mike Cirillo on Why He Thinks Kids’ Chance Is Such a Vital Initiative

By: | May 14, 2021

As President of myMatrixx®, an Express Scripts company, Mike Cirillo is responsible for overseeing the workers’ compensation division’s national strategy and corporate operations across the U.S. His responsibilities include developing the company’s growth and productivity initiatives as well as forming new business and industry partnerships.

I became aware of Kids’ Chance in 2010 and have become more deeply involved with the organization in my role as president at myMatrixx. It’s a meaningful partnership, not just for me, but for our entire company.

The culture at myMatrixx is all about helping people. When I joined the company, I could feel it right away. It’s a mindset held by every employee. We ask “How do we help people get better? How do we help them return to work?”

In the case of Kids’ Chance, we ask, “How do we help get people educated about what’s available?”

Being at a PBM, your whole job is to help injured workers get the support they need; our team jumps through hoops to make sure that happens. Sometimes they’re on a phone call for two or three hours dogging the pharmacy or chasing down the adjuster for approval because they have a true life crisis event.

I think the employees of myMatrixx take that same spirit of help to Kids’ Chance, so as an enterprise it’s not just me; it’s every employee in the company that takes the mission to heart. It’s because of their passion that I was thrilled to have the opportunity to extend and raise our investment with Kids’ Chance.

Involvement with Kids’ Chance is an amazing chance to give back. It’s also an opportunity to interact with other people in the industry — insurance companies, service providers, employers, and others—without the pressure of sales. You get to bond with them through Kids’ Chance and the shared mission of helping the families we all serve every day.

I’ve been a member of the workers’ compensation industry for a long time, and I genuinely believe in the Kids’ Chance mission. myMatrixx has been a Kids’ Chance national partner for three years, and I serve on both the national fundraising committee and the advisory board.

I’ve really enjoyed getting to participate in the organization so directly. The stories that come out of Kids’ Chance, from how we help kids get an education to how it pays back, are truly motivating. Some of these kids even come back and work in the workers’ comp industry because of their experience and education.

Moreover, myMatrixx participates in Kids’ Chance Awareness Week each year. This year, we expanded our website to include a fully-fledged landing page about Kids’ Chance to raise visibility. We’ve also started honoring Workers’ Memorial Day as a member of the Kids Chance community.

Involvement with Kids’ Chance is an amazing chance to give back. It’s also an opportunity to interact with other people in the industry—insurance companies, service providers, employers, and others—without the pressure of sales. You get to bond with them through Kids’ Chance and the shared mission of helping the families we all serve every day.

If you haven’t already, reach out to Kids’ Chance of America or connect with the Kids’ Chance in your state. Supporting the Kids’ Chance mission is a worthy effort for your entire company. &

Kids’ Chance is the Official Charity Partner of the National Workers’ Compensation and Disability Management Conference — National Comp.

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