Justin Kollinger’s Extra Credit Course: How United Educators’ RMPC Program Is Changing Campus Risks

Justin Kollinger has found his home at United Educators (UE). That’s because Kollinger has always been “a higher education guy,” his work — and even authorship — driven by a desire to solve the challenges these institutions face.
“The challenges in education are so fascinating,” said this senior risk management consultant for UE, “and difficult, because institutions’ missions and structures are different from other types of organizations. Risk management is the strategic approach to solving those challenges.”
With a membership of almost 1,600 higher education and K-12 institutions, UE is always looking for ways to help its members proactively address their biggest risk areas and develop resilient strategies.
One area where Kollinger is making strides is with UE’s Risk Management Premium Credit (RMPC) program. Through this program, UE works with its members to encourage taking risk mitigation actions on more critical liability risks.
And when they do so, UE rewards members with a premium credit.
“We want them to take this tool as a risk manager and use it to enhance their authority and ability to execute upon an initiative and build buy-in with partners across campus,” Kollinger explained.
As part of his role, Kollinger analyzes claims trends, risk management vulnerabilities and member participation and satisfaction data. He has helped transition the RMPC into a proactive risk management tool that enables members to get ahead of their risks.
Case in point, Kollinger and team found a growing need to address student mental health in higher education. The American College Health Association’s 2022 survey of 54,000 undergrads found 77% of respondents saying they are experiencing moderate to serious psychological distress on campus.
“An institution’s mission is to educate students,” said Kollinger. “When students are suffering from mental health challenges, the institution is going to struggle to achieve that mission.”
As a result, UE partnered with The Jed Foundation (JED) to help universities on their mental health resource journey.
“We have a risk management perspective on student mental health, but student mental health is multifaceted, both from a student’s experience, but also from the administrative experience. The Jed Foundation has that multifaceted approach. They have the experts and expertise.
“Adding the ability to pursue student mental health through the RMPC program gives risk managers a way to be a helpful ally to their student affairs and academic affairs colleagues, and reward them for it,” Kollinger explained.
Kollinger acts as a dedicated ally for UE’s members as they integrate the programs offered by JED through RMPC.
In fact, when the partnership was announced in June 2022, Kollinger said UE’s goal was to get 20 members situated with JED programming by the end of the second year.
“It exceeded our expectations,” he said. “We had almost 30 in the first year.” &
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