CLM Construction Risk Management Conference Highlights You Don’t Want to Miss
The biggest construction risk management event is back this September 21-23 at the beautiful beachfront Hotel Del Coronado in San Diego for two days, bringing attendees the best construction risk networking and industry education.
Three premier keynote addresses, 30 deep-dive sessions and a sunset beachside cocktail networking event provide the backdrop for connecting and learning from industry peers in construction risk management.
And with plenty of time built into the schedule for meetings, attendees can make the most of their time in San Diego.
The 2022 CLM Construction Conference is a must-attend event for risk managers, claims managers, brokers, builders, attorneys and other professionals focused on the intersection of construction and risk.
Trending Information and Talented Industry Speakers
Over 100 speakers will share their time and talents with the attendees of the 2022 CLM Construction Conference. Registrants will pick from topics covering regional and national issues, trending topics and coverage deep dives.
Premier presentations feature keynote speakers addressing trending topics. With three premier sessions over the course of the event, attendees will see and learn from top experts delivering cutting-edge information.
Hear from a panel of women in construction about challenges, solutions and real-world advice. Learn about the state of the real estate economy post-pandemic including projections for 2023. And see the dark web with a demonstration and discussion about cybersecurity.
Deep-dive sessions will explore topics of interest to construction industry stakeholders. Trending issues, like legalized cannabis and labor laws, leveraging artificial intelligence to defend construction defect litigation and strategies to limit climate change risk and claims, will be covered. Other sessions will explore various coverage issues, defense tactics and ethics.
“Many sessions take place in a roundtable format, which allows for interactive discussions with conference participants at a very high level,” said Stephen Henning, founding partner at Wood Smith Henning & Berman LLP and 2022 CLM Construction Conference Advisory Board member.
“Participants will take home real practice pointers to deploy, whether lawyers, general counsel, claim managers, or risk managers. Multiple sessions occurring at the same time truly provide something for everyone at this conference.”
Regional Sessions Bring Local Flair
One of the most unique aspects of the CLM Construction Conference is its focus on interesting, regional issues.
Hot spots for construction litigation around the U.S. will be featured in specialized sessions, enabling attendees to hear national and local issues.
Henning explained, “Regional sessions are curated in hot spots for construction litigation where case law is unsettled. This helps claim professionals divine emerging trends and ascertain best handling practices when case law fails to provide clear answers.”
Participants from the Northwest may wish to attend the session, “Grave Expectations: Handling Complex Grave Injury Claims in Construction Accident Cases.”
Attendees who manage claims and risk in the southern U.S may find value in “Southern CD — Not so Charming.”
The Texans in the crowd can’t miss the session, “Don’t Mess With Texas: An Update on Need to Know Changing Texas Coverage and Litigation Issues.”
And for those interested in issues stemming from California, “Not My Means and Methods: The History and Future of the Privette Doctrine” will be beneficial.
Register Today for the 2022 CLM Construction Conference
Register today to guarantee your spot. Big button issues emanating from construction will be covered, including surety, construction defect, coverage, litigation and emerging trends — all with real-time post-pandemic considerations.
Rooms are available at the historic Hotel Del Coronado through the conference website. Those arriving early in the afternoon on September 21 can attend the welcome reception and start the networking fun. &