The best of R&I and around the web, handpicked by our editors.
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The Supreme Court of New Hampshire recently overturned a decision that denied a widow’s request to be added as a dependent for death benefits after her husband’s work-related death.
Only in U.S. health care can you be charged for a service foisted upon you while unconscious. A different model could fix that.
Significant workers’ comp legal decisions from around the country.
Workers’ comp attorney and author Thomas Robinson will explore a selection of shocking workers’ comp claims at this year’s NWCDC, and explain what practitioners can learn from these cautionary tales.
An ergonomics plan focused on worker well-being as well as performance is good for workers and good for the bottom line.
More companies are harnessing industry data to cut down claim duration and overall cost.
Opting out of a state’s exclusive remedy can leave a company vulnerable to large losses.
A claims adjuster grapples with whether a salesman’s death was caused by comorbidities or a high-stress job.
Find out why the time is ripe to explore a value-based purchasing model in workers’ comp.
Studies have identified strong evidence that California’s SB 863 reforms are positively impacting workers’ comp costs.
The 2015 opening keynote speaker for NWCDC is known for captivating audiences with his passion for health care.
Who needs the Scaffold Law? Maybe construction workers should just stop working instead.
Engaged workers are less likely to be injured on the job and more likely to return to work if they do suffer an injury.
An injured dock worker claims he’s eligible for the higher benefit levels available under the Longshoreman’s Act.
Obtaining the best results from integrated disability programs requires making the injured or disabled worker the top priority.
A round-up of nationwide regulatory changes affecting the workers’ compensation industry.
Payers are increasingly being held responsible for addiction and overdoses related to opioid pain medications prescribed for occupational injuries.
A recent study published by NCCI serves as a stern reminder of the link between accident report lag time and higher workers’ comp claims costs.
An energy company drops the ball by not making the necessary accommodations for an injured employee returning from documented leave.
When doctors’ views are mixed on whether man’s injury was work related, the ball is left in the judge’s court.