In order for the insurance industry to stay abreast of growing technology and the inherent risks involved, a closer look at 5G and the Internet of Things is required.
After losing his father to a work-related accident, Sean Petterson made it his mission to protect other manual laborers through ergonomics and wearable technology.
Ironshore’s Dave Standish explains some of the top risks associated with collecting biometric data, from liability and the legal landscape to how to protect against a data breach.
Two ambitious, self-proclaimed queens in Game of Thrones both met violent ends. The same might be true of entities that think they are doing a good job at risk management.
After an accident, it’s unclear whether Uber is liable for injuries incurred by passengers or if drivers — and yes, even the passengers themselves — are responsible.
Uber’s ability to identify its drivers as contractors and not employees has helped the ride-sharing app dodge liability claims. For the sake of rider safety, this needs to stop.
Technology is proving to help injured employees get faster information, faster access to care plans, and back to work faster; but humanity still remains the ultimate catalyst for change.
Auto insurance is the least profitable sector of the insurance industry, but Tesla aims to fix that for their brand by coming out with their own policy.