A growing number of lawsuits are being filed across the U.S. for alleged violations of the 1988 Video Privacy Protection Act by a range of entities from news and media outlets to digital health providers. Cyber insurers are paying close attention to these judgments, as they may influence privacy claims for years to come.
The battery energy storage system industry may just be one of the fastest-growing industries today. But cyber risks still weigh heavy on BESS owners and operators.
This fictive scenario sees U.S. public schools falling victim time and time again to elaborate social engineering schemes concocted by dastardly cybercriminals. But the fiction only goes so deep when looked at in reality.
The targets of cybercriminals’ data breach efforts are always shifting. Better awareness of trends in cybercrime — and consumers’ reactions to it — can inform an insurer’s strategic outlook.
Digital transformation, clinical trials, climate change and product recalls are among the top risks and opportunities facing the life sciences sector over the next several years.
If you wanted to secure your house, would you just lock the doors and forget about the open windows? Time and time again, organizations do just that with their cyber risk management, discovering too late that they have failed to protect assets that they were unaware existed. External threats like data exfiltration often result from… View Article
As the cyber insurance market continues to work to clarify coverage for systemic risk, buyers should expect the above coverage elements to be revisited by carriers.
The competition for talent among workers’ compensation service providers is fierce. Investing in new technology is of paramount importance to complete projects, meet service expectations, and retain the best talent.