With a plethora of technology and innovation on the horizon for workers’ compensation, it’s important to pause and review the core competencies that built this industry and how good data can be used to enhance each.
Topicals can be a costly specialty medication in workers’ compensation. When a topical is necessary, it’s important payers have a resource that works with them to reduce their overall cost.
Trucking is a bustling industry, where the movement of goods is constant and motor carriers are responsible for delivering freight efficiently and on time.
Volatility and uncertainty in any environment can create challenges but they can also create opportunities. Those who are willing to adapt and are motivated to succeed can flourish.
The range of medical products and services needed for injured worker recovery is broad and the opportunities for fraud, waste, and abuse in workers’ comp healthcare are many.
Psychosocial factors impacting injured workers’ mental and behavioral health can be a barrier to recovery. Addressing concerns early with psychosocial treatments can positively affect a claim.
Workers’ comp payers and providers know injured workers need access to behavioral health services. A new, dedicated telemedicine initiative seeks to improve accessibility and get patients the care they need faster.
While everyone is affected by climate change, it’s those on the front lines who feel it the most – those who work outdoors, in hot indoor environments, or in emergency response.
Novel migraine agents are continuing to enter the market, providing alternative forms of pain relief for migraine sufferers. What are the efficacy and cost considerations for injured workers?
Some workplace stress pushes employees to grow and learn. However, if the stress is excessive, it can significantly affect employees’ health, and this impacts your workers’ comp program and costs.