The best of R&I and around the web, handpicked by our editors.
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Overcommunicating with key stakeholders and having options are keys to successful renewals.
Sony’s failure to adequately invest in cyber defense is a good lesson for all of us.
Brokers can play a key role in helping insureds get a grip on cyber risk.
Three Bay Area insurance brokerage executives raise money for nonprofits and explore their creative sides in a rock and roll band.
Unpatched software remains a top cyber vulnerability. Low-tech “phishing” attacks continue to succeed.
Business interruption losses from the Alberta fire will be “massive” according to experts.
The best way to attract and retain young talent is to focus on the positives that the workers’ comp industry has to offer.
While most safety incentive programs are well intended, employers must ensure that they don’t backfire and discourage reporting.
Involving the community and public officials in emergency management planning can be difficult.
A new report suggests that the prescription opioid crisis is getting worse, not better.
The latest fiduciary rulings create challenges for financial advisory firms to stay both compliant and profitable.
Claims management is never stagnant. Utilizing a continuous triage model keeps injured employees on track to recovery.
Catastrophic events like a storm surge create unique exposures for commercial properties.
Avis Budget Group’s director of risk management, Barbara Vitale, lauds the industry for bringing more women into the fold.
We could all use a novel approach to the presidential campaign — why not treat it like an insurance renewal?
Shari Natovitz lost hundreds of former colleagues on 9/11. Now she manages risk for a vital piece of New York’s skyline.
It’s time to consider whether cyber coverage is evolving and maturing at the same pace as the exposures it’s designed for.
Prescription drug compounding is beginning to turn a corner in managing chronic pain.
Weak firewalls for home IoT networks mean your toaster could betray you.
Last year’s Germanwings disaster brought pilot mental health issues into the aviation spotlight.