Aon Broker Trisha Blau Recognized as a 2023 Environmental Power Broker

Topics: Environmental

Trisha Blau, Managing Director, Aon

Portrait of Trisha Blau

Trisha Blau, CRIS
Managing Director
Aon, San Francisco

Life handed many of us challenges in 2022. It handed Trisha Blau a handful. Luckily, she came prepared.

First, a superfund site, a former landfill the purchase and development of which would make it an industrial park, bringing jobs to a Denver neighborhood, assuming it could meet stringent environmental insurance requirements.

“Trish is able to use her background as an environmental engineer to guide the attorneys and developer,” said Lynx Chan, principal at LC Development Consultants. “She not only helped secure multiple quotes from the market, but she’s also involved in negotiation sessions with the developer.”

Blau also tackled the purchase of an island where 30 years of cleanup efforts have followed decades of use as a naval base. She created separate policies for known and unknown exposures (carefully crafted to dovetail with the Navy’s ongoing responsibility for remediating the property), even pointing out risks other stakeholders weren’t aware of. She was then able to add an additional 100-plus acres previously used as an artillery range to the program and append additional coverage to avoid diluting its limits.

Last but not least, Blau put months of preparation into one of the largest infrastructure removal projects in U.S. history, proactively developing relationships with all stakeholders, using actuarial data to lay the groundwork for eventually going to market, and explaining the data to the satisfaction of insurers and state representatives alike.

All 2023 Power Broker Winners

2023 Environmental Power Broker Winners and Finalists

What is a Power Broker?

A Risk & Insurance Power Broker® is an individual who stands out among their peers for the exceptional client work they have delivered over the past year. While brokers play many key roles in the insurance industry and risk profession, a Power Broker® award recognizes problem solving, customer service and industry knowledge.

Our goal is to broadly recognize and promote outstanding risk management and customer service among the brokerage community.

Who selects the winners?

Power Brokers are selected by risk managers based on the strength of the testimonials they provide to a team of 15 Risk & Insurance editors and writers.

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