The 2024 Government & Public Sector Theo Award Winners

The City of Glendale, Arizona, faced a unique challenge in handling cancer claims for its employees, particularly among public safety and fire personnel. Unlike typical workplace injuries, cancer claims require a distinctly different reporting and processing approach. Read more.

The City of Henderson, Nevada, faced significant challenges in providing occupational and mental health services for its employees. Recognizing the need for improvement, the city embarked on a comprehensive redesign of its health and safety programs, focusing on enhancing employee care and workplace safety. Read more.

The Kentucky Association of Counties Workers Compensation Fund (KACo WCF) provides workers’ compensation coverage for county governments and political subdivisions across Kentucky. KACo WCF struggled with extended lag times in reporting new claims and delays in initial contact with injured workers. This led to increased medical costs and longer workers’ compensation claim durations. Read more.

Orange County, North Carolina, faced a significant challenge in managing workplace injury claims across its diverse departments and locations. With hundreds of potential incident sites spread across the county and operating around the clock, timely and accurate reporting of injuries was a complex task. Read more.


The Theo Award celebrates its inaugural year, honoring 31 workers’ compensation programs for their excellence and service to workers across the nation. To learn more about the award and amazing qualities each winner possesses, visit here.

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