2014 NWCDC
Presentation Asks ‘What Would You Do?’
A middle-aged construction worker undergoes rotator cuff surgery but fails to adhere to his therapy regimen in the second annual installment of Risk Scenarios™ Live!, which kicks off at 2:30 p.m. today.
Risk Scenarios™ are fictional but realistic narratives written by Risk Insurance®, which are designed to showcase a risk management or insurance coverage dilemma.
This year’s multimedia presentation of Risk Scenarios Live! will feature a panel discussion moderated by Tracey Davanport, director of managed care for the Argo Group.
Also appearing on the panel will be Dr. Robert Goldberg, the chief medical officer of Healthesystems, and Dr. Kurt Hegmann, director, the Rocky Mountain Center for Occupational & Environmental Health.
Join us to participate in the CM2 session at 2:30 p.m. today in Mandalay Bay’s Islander D&E room.
The panelists will analyze each segment of a three-part story, told using videotaped professional actors, still photos and voice-over narration.
The story dramatizes the challenges that occur when a middle-aged worker suffers a rotator cuff tear, fails to adhere to his therapy regimen, gains weight and begins overusing addictive painkillers.
Drawing on their deep knowledge of claims management, pharmacy benefit management and occupational medicine, the panelists will highlight the treatment failures that resulted in a negative outcome: A worker who failed to heal properly and who eventually receives a sizable settlement from his employer.
In a Q&A session following the presentation, audience members will be able to discuss the nuances of the fictional case study and the lessons to be learned from it.
Last year’s session was attended by nearly 300 conference attendees, so make plans to reserve your seat early for this popular afternoon session.