Announcing the Complete List of 2019 Risk All Star Winners
Turning Risk Expertise Inward
Jeff Delmore, vice president, corporate risk manager, FM Global
To protect thousands of traveling employees, FM Global’s corporate risk manager borrowed from strategies the company was using to protect clients.
Keeping the Fizz in Coke
Paul Berkemeier, director of global finance, The Coca-Cola Company
Paul Berkemeier completely rebuilt the risk management program at Coca-Cola, with a focus on risk tolerance and a more efficient use of capital.
Paving the Way for Workers’ Comp Growth
Rodney Escobar, director of risk management, State of Tennessee
While it can be challenging to enact drastic changes in government or organizations that are set in their ways, Rodney Escobar knows ambitious plans can yield big results.
Wielding the Transformative Power of Technology
Susan Shemanski, VP of corporate risk management, The Adecco Group
By putting the right technology in place, Susan Shemanski empowered her safety team to make a difference for employees — and for the company’s bottom line.
Making Students Safer
Ron Martin, Joint Powers Authority manager, Northern California Regional Liability Excess Fund
Ron Martin helped craft a sexual abuse and molestation risk management program that mandates reporting and has dramatically cut down abuse claims.
Saving Money Where It Matters Most
Donald Noel, risk and safety manager, School District of Palm Beach County, Fla.
Donald Noel took his basic knowledge of risk management and applied it to one of the nation’s largest school districts. The result? He saved them millions of dollars.
Building Morale at Claims Management’s Center
David Glasser, vice president of risk management, Moss & Associates
Risk professional Dave Glasser knows what it’s like to face several high-cost claims at once. But with a focus on team, he’s able to tackle any challenge.
Better Retention Starts With Safety
Josh Zimmet, director of corporate operations, BLS Trucking
Josh Zimmet saw the benefit of truck driver safety and invested in it. Now his company has decreased turnover and is well positioned for continued growth.
Re-Imagining Global Risk Management
Jason Collum, risk manager, the Sage Group
Jason Collum took on the challenge of creating a completely new data analytics and management process for mega-multinational Sage Group plc.