As workers’ compensation leaders prepare for the coming year, key trends in managed care programs are rapidly emerging. By proactively identifying and responding to these developments, leaders can significantly enhance long-term claims outcomes.
The Whole Worker model is placing the injured worker at the center of care, taking into account their emotional wellbeing and working to create a sense of calm to their anxiety-inducing injuries.
In part one of this two-part series, Michelle Despres of One Call shares how she broke her leg while on the job and what happened as she entered the workers’ comp space as an injured worker for the first time.
Stephanie Arkelian of Healthesystems draws on her early experience as an adjuster to discuss how the industry can support the next generation of this important role.
For workers’ compensation personnel who face supply chain shortages and delays to providing injured worker care, there are some effective strategies to mitigate disruptions.
Kristine Kennedy, SVP of Product Strategy and Innovation at Healthesystems, explains how digital solutions can go a long way in improving the claims experience and outcomes.
Technology changes the game by easing the burden of record keeping and tilting the workers’ compensation case management field toward true injured worker advocacy.
A biopsychosocial approach helps injured workers achieve better outcomes, but jurisdictional obstacles remain. Joe Berardo, CEO of Carisk, outlines the challenges and benefits of a more holistic approach.