Marsh’s Erin O’Shaughnessy shares her purview on the ins and outs of insurance brokering, from today’s biggest challenges to what’s driving innovation for the future.
A new report from International Suppliers Networld unveils alarming trends in serious injuries and fatalities across key industries, highlighting the urgent need for enhanced safety measures.
This year, six brokers from across the brokerage field were named as the 2022 Utilities Power Broker winners. An additional four brokers were named as finalists.
After a damaging winter storm in 2011, officials in Texas received recommendations on weatherizing the state’s grid. Those recommendations were not followed, and in 2021, Texans paid a big price.
This year, six brokers from across the brokerage field were named as the 2020 Utilities Power Broker winners. An additional two brokers were named as finalists.
Trying to forestall wildfire damage, PG&E willingly shut down service to customers. More of this, not less, is on the way, which makes business resiliency planning all the more important.