The best of R&I and around the web, handpicked by our editors.
White papers, service directory and conferences for the R&I community.
Web replica of the print magazine.
A universal focus on patient outcomes rather than front-end cost-cutting is the path to workers’ comp transformation, for the benefit of patients and payors alike
In getting safety program funding, an actuary is a risk manager’s ally.
Risk managers stand in the background as they seek answers and find solutions.
It’s time for the insurance industry to sound the alarm about climate change.
Risk aversion for its own sake does not constitute a true risk culture.
Enterprise Risk Management needs to be defined for organizations.
A nuanced approach to managing change is a key component in risk management.
An over-reliance on models is diminishing the art of underwriting.
Crisis management now seems to involve the disposal of competent executives.
Wholesale distributors should focus more on specialty insurance.
It was cold outside for RIMS 2014 but The Wolf made some attendees hot with anger.
The recent LA tremor is a strong reminder of earthquake risks.
As the strategic importance of risk management grows, new tools and technologies are required.
The Risk & Insurance website is also a self-publishing platform for select risk managers and industry experts.