Better data analytics is enabling a number of new parametric insurance solutions from a product to cover losses caused by an active assailant to ways to manage supply chain risk.
With more individuals leaving the industry than entering, brokerages are turning toward their intern programs to bolster recruitment as well as hone talent.
The onset of the COVID-19 pandemic forced claims professionals to adapt quickly and proactively. It also gave professionals the opportunity to visualize a new type of work environment.
While the future of claims management and adjusting is moving towards automation, there is still a way to foster the necessary human connection in the workers’ comp space.
Mike Karmilowicz of Everest Insurance shares details about his company culture, the threat of cyber and how technology will impact the insurance industry going forward.
Like many CEOs, Mike Rice of CAC Specialty enjoyed the financial windfall of plummeting expenses — but he plans to be aggressive as travel resumes so his fast-growing business can flourish.
During an hour-long webinar presented by the International Insurance Society, experts dive into how insurance can replace legacy systems with new claims technologies.
The vast majority of workplace wellness programs are inadequate to meet the needs of a multicultural workforce. This is particularly concerning given the push by employers to build an inclusive workplace.
At a virtual session of the RIMS LIVE 2021 conference, two leaders explained how the traditionally white male insurance industry can make necessary changes.