Marsh Broker Julie Reinhardt Recognized as a 2020 Utilities Power Broker

Topics: Utilities

Julie Reinhardt, Senior Vice President, Marsh

Julie Reinhardt, CIC, CRIS CRM
Senior Vice President
Marsh, Cincinnati

Marsh’s Julie Reinhardt excels at finding clients new opportunities.

“Julie opened a whole new market for me,” said one risk manager. “It was a mutual of which I was aware but did not think was appropriate for our utility for several reasons. Julie was very patient and persistent in explaining and clarifying.”

The immediate need the new market was able to fill was additional capacity for the utility’s excess liability.

“Once that door was opened, we realized that mutual could front for another, adding capacity for my property program,” said the risk manager.

“So we were able to add significant capacity in two areas of coverage, and reduce costs through distribution among the mutuals, all at a time that coverage in the utility sector is hardening. Julie is always excited about opening new options, and this is just the most recent example.”

Another client had some unique needs, ranging from vacant buildings for short-term emergency use to contract-specific work for education and government facilities.

Those required dovetail coverage between casualty and inland marine. The size and complexity of the risks involved presented significant challenges to placement.

“This year, I was fortunate enough to re-enter the utility arena after several years in manufacturing,” said one director of risk management.

“Julie has been instrumental in getting me re-acclimated and up-to-date on the risk landscape specific to utilities. She has been extremely helpful,” the client said.

All 2020 Power Broker Winners

2020 Utilities Power Broker Winners and Finalists

What is a Power Broker?

A Risk & Insurance Power Broker® is an individual who stands out among their peers for the exceptional client work they delivered over the past year. While brokers play many key roles in the insurance industry and risk profession, a Power Broker® award recognizes problem solving, customer service and industry knowledge.

Our goal is to broadly recognize and promote outstanding risk management and customer service among the brokerage community.

Who selects the winners?

Power Brokers are selected by risk managers based on the strength of the testimonials they provide to a team of 15 Risk & Insurance editors and writers.

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