Aon Broker Timothy Madden Recognized as a 2024 Workers’ Compensation Power Broker
Timothy Madden, Specialty Workers’ Compensation Practice Leader, Aon

Timothy Madden, CPCU, ARM, AINS, AIS
Specialty Workers’ Compensation Practice Leader
Aon, Macomb, Mich.
Timothy Madden has carved out a bit of a niche for himself. His work supports government contractors that are working in the Defense Base Act (DBA) workers’ compensation space.
His clients are dealing with all sorts of complex workers’ compensation safety risks — from those involved in building nuclear subs to other forms of heavy labor. As government contractors, much of their work is private, and there’s only so much they can share with carriers.
A former risk manager himself, Madden knows how to walk these delicate lines. “His knowledge is just second to none,” a client said. “We have an amazing relationship with our primary DBA carrier, and it’s really, truly him and his knowledge of my company as well as the program that allows us to keep that great relationship.”
This past year, Madden conducted deep dives into many of his clients’ claims data. He’s helped detect loss trends and sends his clients quarterly loss run reports. “He definitely has the analytics down pat,” a client said.
He’s helped clients implement safety and risk management programs and identify potentially challenging claims because of his dedication to following the data. In one case, he identified improved loss performance that resulted in a massive rate reduction and over $2 million in savings for his client at renewal — without having to market the program.
“He understands the system, and I think he just tries to help us mitigate our financial risk the best he can,” a client said.
2024 Workers’ Compensation Power Broker Winners and Finalists
What is a Power Broker?
A Risk & Insurance Power Broker® is an individual who stands out among their peers for the exceptional client work they have delivered over the past year. While brokers play many key roles in the insurance industry and risk profession, a Power Broker® award recognizes problem solving, customer service and industry knowledge.
Our goal is to broadly recognize and promote outstanding risk management and customer service among the brokerage community.
Who selects the winners?
Power Brokers are selected by risk managers based on the strength of the testimonials they provide to a team of 15 Risk & Insurance editors and writers.