Alliant Insurance Services Broker Shaan Merchant Recognized as a 2022 Employee Benefits Power Broker

Shaan Merchant, First Vice President, Alliant Insurance Services

Shaan Merchant
First Vice President
Alliant Insurance Services, Glenview, Ill.

2021 proved to be another challenging year in the employee benefits market.

Shaan Merchant worked with two new clients who were facing various challenges with their prior brokers.

One client was locked into an ineffective contract because of an auto-renewing early termination fee.

By moving to a more appropriate provider network Merchant saved the client 4% through discounts. By also negotiating bundled pricing, introducing care coordination, and lowering the net drug cost for members, he was able to offset the early termination fees.

Another new client of Merchant’s raved about his help in their first year of partnership, noting, “In this year alone, we have implemented several enhancements to our benefits offerings. These include new and additional services that are free of charge to us and our employees, that are already garnering good employee feedback and also helping drive our costs down.”

For another large client, Merchant was instrumental in finding ways to help them stay competitive and sustainable through the changing market. He expanded the medical and dental benefits offerings of this client and helped implement free virtual health and mental care coverage for all 9,000 employees, both full and part-time.

His client appreciated Merchant’s customer service and benefits expertise and his overall holistic approach: “He is constantly looking for innovative and new benefit concepts that will be beneficial to the overall health and wellbeing of our employees.”

All 2022 Power Broker Winners

2022 Employee Benefits Power Broker Winners and Finalists

What is a Power Broker?

A Risk & Insurance Power Broker® is an individual who stands out among their peers for the exceptional client work they delivered over the past year. While brokers play many key roles in the insurance industry and risk profession, a Power Broker® award recognizes problem solving, customer service and industry knowledge.

Our goal is to broadly recognize and promote outstanding risk management and customer service among the brokerage community.

Who selects the winners?

Power Brokers are selected by risk managers based on the strength of the testimonials they provide to a team of 15 Risk & Insurance editors and writers.

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