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Innovative technology presents unforeseen risk exposures.
Jacques Arragon on earning management’s trust, focusing on education, and Roger Moore as the best James Bond.
American workers increasingly report feeling stressed, a condition that can erode safety and drive injuries.
State actions to reduce the unnecessary prescribing of dangerous opioid painkillers pay off.
A look at workers’ comp medical professional service price inflation based on information from 25 large states representing nearly 80 percent of benefits paid.
A large proportion of work-related musculoskeletal impairments require Medicare set aside arrangements.
Tech firms face multiple perils in addition to cyber risks.
Health issues causing pain don’t very from place to place, but the number of opioid painkillers prescribed do.
Regardless of industry type, older workers generate consistently higher average workers’ comp costs.
A benchmarking study of claims organizations documented limited availability of formal job training.
Travelers Risk Index reveals medical cost inflation concerns business owners and executives most.
William Getreuer started in risk management dealing with claims from Three Mile Island.
The prevalence of tobacco smoking, which impacts workers’ comp and employee disability, varies by occupation.
A WCRI study shows notably high narcotics use among injured workers in New York and Louisiana.
Risks to your supply chain can come from unexpected sources.
Skip Smith, of Hooters of America, can point to numerous mentors who aided him.
Matt Jablonski, director of insurance for The Hearst Corp., talks about his mentor, changes in risk management, his favorite carrier, and more.
Q&A with Carolyn Snow, director of risk management for Humana and the 2014 RIMS President.