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Alex Wright is a UK-based business journalist, who previously was deputy business editor at The Royal Gazette in Bermuda. You can reach him at [email protected].
Lloyd’s CEO Inga Beale is tasked with guiding the venerable insurance market through Brexit and the demands of the fiercely competitive global specialty business.
New cyber security regulations increase exposure for directors and officers at financial institutions.
It’s incumbent upon risk managers to understand exactly what their agents are doing — or not doing — on their behalf.
That property in the foothills may look enticing, but climate change is driving an increasing occurrence of mudslides.
An agricultural consortium is one group taking a serious look at forming an agency captive in Vermont.
A shrinking insurance market drives interest in captive solutions for the transportation industry.
Far more than a prank, the spread of fictitious news is wreaking havoc on businesses and institutions.
Facing deteriorating results, some large commercial fleet carriers are leaving the market.
Companies that let their captives gather dust could be missing out on savings opportunities.
The use of drones allowed insurance companies to speed up the claims process and improve safety for their staff.
Celebrity spokespersons can significantly elevate a brand, as long as they stay on their best behavior.
When FEMA reduced assistance, Scott Clark put together a new storm policy that protected his school district and saved money as well.
Christopher de Wolfe leveraged his company’s marketing savvy to help the organization buy in to the risk management mission.
A new Deloitte report finds internal audit functions fall short of stakeholder demands.
In an era of fierce competition, E&S players turn to customization and cutting-edge technology to differentiate themselves.
As cyber threats become more sophisticated, risk managers must understand and assess evolving exposures.
Hailstorms are happening more often and striking more severely. The insurance industry is trying to find ways to mitigate the damage.
Solvency II equivalency and NAIC’s “qualified jurisdiction” designations help Bermuda strengthen its position as a leading reinsurance domicile.
Cutting-edge technology such as drones, satellites and 3D imaging allow for quicker, safer and more efficient claims handling.
Captives are emerging as a viable option for cyber coverage when the commercial marketplace lacks affordable options.