White Paper

Treating an Injured Person and Not a Claim: Why Injured-Person Centered Care Is Essential for Driving Better Outcomes in Workers’ Comp

Injured-person, centered care can lead to better recovery outcomes while saving claims costs.

White Paper Summary

In the workers’ compensation industry — and honestly in health care writ large — injured-person care can often feel very transactional. The medical model used by so many organizations limits an injured person’s care choices and focuses on their deficits and not their abilities.

These practices create a singular focus on the injury, rather than treating the whole person, which can lead to prolonged hospitalizations, serious health issues and increased treatment costs.

“At the heart of every claim is an injured person,” said Tron Emptage, chief clinical officer for Optum Workers’ Compensation. “We must think about care as the right medication and the right treatment at the right time, for the right duration and for the right individual.”

Instead of providing transactional care that focuses on the injury, Optum Workers’ Compensation focuses on treating the whole person by taking into consideration psychological and social factors that could put their case at-risk for turning into a long-term, high-cost claim. This approach often helps injured persons return to their pre-injury level of function faster and it can save on claims costs in the long-run.

To learn more about Optum, please visit their website.

The Optum workers’ compensation and auto no-fault division works to collaborate with our clients to deliver value beyond transactional savings while helping ensure injured parties receive safe and effective clinical care throughout the life of their claim. Our innovative and comprehensive cost management programs include pharmacy care services, ancillary benefit management, medical services, and settlement solutions.

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