In Conversation: Student Ambassadors on the Kids’ Chance Mission — and How You Can Play a Part

At National Comp 2023, Risk & Insurance had the opportunity to sit down with two ambassadors from Kids’ Chance: students who had benefited directly from the organization and now help to further its mission by spreading the word.
That mission is to provide support to students who have been affected by the injury or death of a loved one in the workplace — emotional support as well as financial support.
Olivia North-Menthonnex lost her father to a workplace accident. After receiving support from Kids’ Chance during her studies, she’s now giving back: “Everywhere we’re able to go, we’re supporting kids one way or another, whether that’s the community, the outreach, having that background, or getting that idea out to more kids and more families.”
Arianna Jewell was likewise impacted when an on-the-job injury left her mother — the sole breadwinner for a large family — unable to work, casting serious doubt on Arianna’s ability to pay for her education. “They supported me by allowing me to go to school debt-free,” she said.

Arianna Jewell, Kids’ Chance Ambassador
One important way Kids’ Chance helps its participants through an unimaginably difficult time is by connecting them to a larger community. Arianna found connection with a Kids’ Chance representative whose check-in calls became almost like therapy sessions — “not just about finances, not just about school, but caring about your wellbeing as a person.”
Olivia found that connection by “knowing there’s other kids out there that are like me,” she said. “When you go through a traumatic experience like losing your father, it’s the end of the world. No one understands you, no one knows what you’ve gone through. But with Kids’ Chance, it’s like, ‘No — here’s so many other students across just my state that are very similar to you.’”

Olivia North-Menthonnex, Kids’ Chance Ambassador
Arianna and Olivia also had advice for anyone in the workers’ comp space who wants to support Kids’ Chance on its mission. One way anyone can help out is, whenever they “come across a family that meets that criteria with a child, getting our name out there, like ‘Hey, here’s this opportunity for you in the future, so that way this one event in your life doesn’t stop your goals,’” Olivia said.
“Become a donor. Sponsor your time, sponsor your money,” Arianna added. “Reach out and tell people about it. Keep pushing Kids’ Chance to everybody that you know.”
Both ambassadors were unambiguous in their feelings towards the organization. “Kids’ Chance is an awesome, awesome organization, especially in a world where it feels like everybody is trying to take advantage of you, everybody wants something from you in a negative way. Kids’ Chance is not that way at all,” Arianna said. “Everybody wants to see the students win. Kids’ Chance is the way to go.” &